Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Itching to Get Started!

Today, we started with some individual work on our pedagogy outlines, and I think I am making some slow but steady headway on that, so I'm satisfied for now with that.  Then, Lara engaged us in some fun seed and bulb identification exercises before challenging us to go outside and find some seeds or bulbs right near the building.  It was eye-opening to see how easy this can be, and I hope someday to be able to open a learner's eyes in much the same way.

We then proceeded to work on our group research projects, and my group (Lara and Laura are my partners) chose to do ours on the plant communities of the disturbed areas within the Barrington Headwaters.  The main purpose of this is to identify and document any invasive species activity in these  susceptible areas.  Because our research inquiry had a few different layers, our procedure needed some critical thinking to refine.  Once we had this all mapped out, we realized that we did not have data sheets!  Unfortunately, making data tables with Microsoft Word wasted a bit of our time which was making us a little bit anxious to get out there, but we recovered this time with a very productive first data collection day.  Lara [G] was kind enough to join our group, help us with the GPS, and make sure we were able to put our procedure into practice once we got to our sites.

This was very helpful and now that we've seen how our procedure works, I think our group is confident and excited to get back out there!

1 comment:

  1. Dan,
    Yes, I too was amazed at how involved it is to design a project. It's definitely a big idea broken down into ever smaller components, always keeping in mind what the final product should look like. It's easy to get distracted by tantalizing ideas along the way! :)

    Light bulb just went on...That's exactly the process I went through when constructing my seeds lesson. I discarded so many ideas and discussion options while honing the plan.

    Thanks Dan for the complement on the lesson. Glad you gained some new information & insights!

    Lara H
